Friday 22 March 2013

WILTSHIRE. Lock-ups at Luckington, Maiden Bradley and Shrewton.

The lock-up at Luckington, in the north of the county, again differs from the norm being of  a totally different design with its attractive stepped roof of ashlar blocks. The door has been replaced with original iron work being re-fitted.  The village pump is still attached to the front wall of the lock-up giving further appeal. Owned by the Parish Council, it is situated in The Street, SN14 8NP and dates to the 18th century.

OS Grid Reference: ST8328083970
OS Grid Coordinates: 383280, 183970
Latitude/Longitude: 51.5544, -2.2425
Photo by Sarah Buttenshaw

It was Grade 11 listed 29.2.1988 (No.316051) and described as :
Lock-up, C18, ashlar, small scale, single-storey with stepped
ashlar block roof and south side door. Door is renewed but has
reset original grille and hinged pierced iron covering flap. Cast-
iron village pump is attached to left of door
Listing NGR: ST8328083970

Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.

Little is known about the lock-up at Maiden Bradley which also also differs in design with its pitched roof and only recognised by its distinctive door. It is situated adjacent to No's 41-42 Church Street, BA12 7HW. The buildings has been renovated and appear to be part of domestic accomodation.   PRIVATE PROPERTY.


Photo by Colin Sinnott

Photo by Trish Steel on Geograph
Copyright Trish Steel and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence
I am grateful to Trish Steel for the use of her photograph

The lock-up or Blind House at Shrewton is the quintessential 'roundhouse' as proudly depicted on the village sign. It is situated in Maddington Street, SP3 4JE. It was moved between 1945 and 1958, a few yards from its original position due to road conditions. It dates to c1700. It belongs to the Parish Council.


OS Grid Reference: SU0680543874
OS Grid Coordinates: 406805, 143874
Latitude/Longitude: 51.1940, -1.9040

Photo by Roy Pledger

It was Grade 11 l.isted 18.2.1958 (No.319857) and described as:

Blind house or lock up. Circa 1700. Dressed limestone walls and
roof. Round plan. Single storey, one narrow planked and studded
door, two loop-holes, one on either side to rear, plat band at
eaves level, domed stone roof with ball finial. Not in original
position; moved and reconstructed after 1945. Scheduled Ancient
Monuments; Wiltshire, No 253 .

Listing NGR: SU0680543874

Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.

A plaque on the door reads :
'Village criminals were kept in this 18th century prison'
(Also inscribed in French & German)
'Property of Shrewton Parish Council. Protected by law as an Ancient Monument.
Silver Jubilee Year 1977'

Photo by Mike Bardell with expressed permission
I am grateful to Mike Bardell for sending me this photograph.
See also :



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