Wednesday 24 April 2013

HEREFORDSHIRE. Lock-ups at Bosbury, Bridstow, Ross on Wye and Yarpole.

Further west in Herefordshire I have located just four former lock-ups.

The lock-up at Bosbury is situated in the gatehouse to the Old Court Farmhouse, HR8 1QT,
to the left of the gateway.


OS Grid Reference: SO6957743502
OS Grid Coordinates: 369577, 243502
Latitude/Longitude: 52.0890, -2.4454
Photo by Philip Pankhurst
 © Copyright Philip Pankhurst and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence
I am grateful to Philip Pankhurst for the use of his Geograph photograph.
The building was Grade 11 listed 26.3.1986 (No.153010) and described as :

Former gatehouse to the Old Court, now hop store. Possibly C14, greatly
altered. Sandstone rubble, tiled roof, brick C19 alterations to rear.
Gatehouse aligned north/south with central gateway, adjoining hop kilns
to north (not of special architectural interest) and former Grammar School
(qv) to south. Gateway now of two storeys, central pointed archway of two
chamfered orders (head of arch now blocked) with minor pointed arch headed
doorway of one chamfered order to left flanked by buttressing, wall extends
to south (left) with two openings to upper floor and one to lower. The room
to the left of the entrance is known locally as the jail.
(RCHM Vol II, p 20,
item 4; Watkins, J: Duncomb's Collections towards the History and Antiquities
of the County of Hereford, Hundred of Radlow, 1902, p 27; Rev S Bentley, History
of the Parish of Bosbury, 1891).
Listing NGR: SO6957743508
Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.


The former lock-up at Bridstow is situated in Wilton Lane, HR9 6AQ and is now part of the White Lion public house (Tel.01989 562785). It has been altered and its two storeys probably contained constable's accomodation. It probably dates to the early 17th century.


Photo by Landscape Origins of the Wye Valley.
I am grateful to Heather Hurley of Ross & District Civic Society for sending me this photograph.
It was Grade 11 listed 18.5.1953 (No.398898) and described as :
BRIDSTOW CP WILTON LANE (south side) SO 5824 9/40 Old Prison 18.5.53 GV II Prison, now part of public house. Possibly early C17. Square sandstone, pantiled roof and brick end stack. Two storeys. Two windows, 2-light barred mullions each with blocked opening beneath. 
First floor of gable end has another 2-light barred mullion to left of end stack. (RCHM Vol I, p 33).
Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.
The fine lock-up at Ross on Wye is situated in New Street, HR9 7DA and dates to 1820-1830.
OS Grid Reference: SO5987124247
OS Grid Coordinates: 359873, 224247
Latitude/Longitude: 51.9153, -2.5848
Photo by Ross & District Civic Society with permission.
I am grateful to Heather Hurley from Ross & District Civic Society for sending me this photograph.
It was Grade 11* listed 22,10,1952 (No.153571) and described as :
 1820-30. Formerly the old prison. Small square red sandstone building
with hipped slate roof. In front, on ground floor are high flanking pointed
windows with iron bars on 1st floor a similar window in centre with a small
blocked one on either side. Doorway has a pointed arch of 2 orders with
stone panel above. Door is studded and has a grill. Heavy wide stone pilasters
on either side.
Listing NGR: SO5987124247
Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.

Ross on Wye web site tells us :

In 1830 an Improvement Act was passed for "paving, cleaning, draining, lighting, regulating and improving the Town of Ross" and this meant that Ross could have Watchmen and a Lock Up containing two or more cells. The Lock Up, now known as Old Jail or 'Gaol', was then built on New Street on the site of an old stables in around 1838 and was used between 1838 and 1844 as an actual Lock Up.

In 1839 the Rural Constabulary Act was passed and, although slow to be implemented as it was seen mainly as being expensive and a challenge to England's liberties among other things [ more details ], this resulted in the county forcing the town commissioners to find a new station house. This led to a new station, and housing for the constables, being built in Brampton Street, just off Five Ways, in 1844. By 1935 expansion meant a new station was needed and the old rectory in Church Street was used as a police station until around 1957, when a new station was built off Old Maids Walk, and the old rectory was soon demolished to allow police housing to be built there.

The lock-up at Yarpole is now a private house and nothing has been found about its history

Photo by Roy Pledger



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