Sunday 28 April 2013

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Lock-ups at Lechlade, Stroud and Westerleigh.

There are three further lock-ups in Gloucestershire which fall into the 'probables' category.

There is sparse information about possible lock-ups at Lechlade. It is thought that the lower half of the toll house on Halfpenny Bridge may have been a lock-up but no further information has been forthcoming.


OS Grid Reference: SU2133899346
OS Grid Coordinates: 421338, 199346
Latitude/Longitude: 51.6925, -1.6927

Photo by Dr Neil Clifton

© Copyright Dr Neil Clifton and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

I am grateful to Dr Clifton for ther use of his Geograph photograph.

The Bridge and Toll House were Grade 11 listed 9.2.1958 (No.129072) and described as :

Roadbridge carrying Thames Street (A361) over River Thames and toll
house. 1792, when Thames Street laid out. Dressed stone. Bridge
about 6m wide with coped wall about lm high following considerable
arch of bridge and splaying out at each corner. Roadway from toll
house to centre district boundary line about 10m. Single large
semi-circular arch approximately 8m high at apex, with straight
large roll moulded string course over. Side piers each have blind
round oculus and very small semi-circular arches at base. Toll
house on north east corner, small square of 2 storeys with basement
and road-level room in coursed stone with asbestos slate pyramidal
roof and brick stack to east. Large roll moulded string course
between floors. Square window openings to south and north and door
to west straight on to bridge. Said to be named after the
halfpenny toll levied until 1839
.Listing NGR: SU2133199328

 Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.

It is also thought that there may also have been a lock-up as part of the old fire station in Burford Street but again no further information has been forthcoming.


It appears that there was a lock-up in the basement of the 16th century town hall at Stroud, but once
again no further information has been forthcoming.  

Photo by Roy Pledger


It is said that the village lock-up at Westerleigh was situated at the foot of the tower of St James' church and once again no further information  has been forthcoming.


Any information and photographs in connection with these three would be greatly appreciated.

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