Tuesday 18 June 2013

OXFORDSHIRE. Banbury, Bicester, Burford, Eynsham & Faringdon.

I have located eight lock-ups of varying design in Oxfordshire.

The lock-up at Banbury has been converted to commercial premises. It is situated at No.2/3 Market Place, OX16 5LQ and dates to 1649 (datestone). It was built as a Wool Hall and was used as a lock-up between 1649 and 1852.


OS Grid Reference: SP4570240622
OS Grid Coordinates: 445702, 240622
Latitude/Longitude: 52.0621, -1.3348

Photo's by Roy Pledger.

The building was Grade 11 listed 8.7.1975 (No.244414).


The lock-up at Bicester is situated at 15/17 London Road, OX6 7BU where it is now a
It dates to the late 18th/early 19th century.


OS Grid Reference: SP5867722242
OS Grid Coordinates: 458677, 222242
Latitude/Longitude: 51.8956, -1.1487

Photo by Roy Pledger

It was Grade 11 listed 31.1.1952 (No.243531) and described as:

Former lock-up. Probably C18/early C19. Limestone rubble with Welsh-slate roof.
Apsidal plan built against left gable wall of No.17. Ribbed door to rear.
Half-conical roof has a square apex louvre. Interior: stone-vaulted ceiling with
a barred shaft to the louvre. Now an outbuilding in the garden of No. 15 (Gaol
Cottage) (not included).
(V.C.H.: Oxfordshire, Vol.VI, p.18).
Listing NGR: SP5867722246

Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence: PSI Click-use licence number C2008002006



The lock-up at Burford was probably in Sheep Street on the ground floor at the rear of
The Tolsey, High Street, OX18 4QF which dates to 1561, but only the door survives.


OS Grid Reference: SP2512212134
OS Grid Coordinates: 425122, 212134
Latitude/Longitude: 51.8073, -1.6370

Photo by Kevin Hale.

© Copyright Kevin Hale and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

I am grateful to Kevin Hale for the use of his Geograph photograph.
The building was Grade 11* listed 12.9.1955 (No.420664) and described as :
Town-hall and market-house. C16 (lst documented 1561). Rendered timber-
frame raised on stone piers, Cotswold stone roof. L-plan, open front to
ground floor. Gabled 2-storey front, coved eaves. Two C20 angled bays on
1st floor with 1:4:1 lights. Open 4 x 2-bay ground floor on octagonal
stone piers, Tudor arch niche to rear. The right hand front gable has a
pair of beams projecting with late C19 circular clock and a bell below.
The side elevation is angled to Sheep Street. 2-storey extension to rear
with a pair of glazing-bar sashes to North and an ashlar chimney.
Interior: the front 2-bay chamber has a central post with arched braces
to flanking trusses, the rear part has stepped corbels to truss. The
lock-up (studded door survives) was probably at rear on ground floor.
front was used to house the fire engine up the early in the C20. Now a
museum of Burford.
Listing NGR: SP2512212134

Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence: PSI Click-use licence number C2008002006.

Only the door of the lock-up survives
and is preserved within The Tolsey
which is now a museum.

Photo by Roy Pledger.


The town lock-up at Eynsham is situated on the ground floor of The Bartholomew Room in the Market Square, High Street, OX8 1HW and dates to the early 18th century. The building, which is Grade 11 listed, was built around 1701-03 to house a charity school funded by John Bartholomew. The open ground floor was subsequently blocked in to build the lock-up and to house the fire engine and also a market hall.
The building was restored by the Parish Council in 1963.


OS Grid Reference: SP4329009263
OS Grid Coordinates: 443290, 209263
Latitude/Longitude: 51.7804, -1.3739

Photo by P.L Chadwick

   © Copyright P L Chadwick and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

I am grateful to P.L Chadwick for the use of this Geograph photograph.


The lock-up at Faringdon is situated beneath the Old Town Hall, Market Place, Church Street, SN7 7HL. The building, which is Grade 11* listed, is late 17th or early 18th century
but the date of the lock-up is not certain.


OS Grid Reference: SU2888195578
OS Grid Coordinates: 428881, 195578
Latitude/Longitude: 51.6583, -1.5839

Photo by JonS on Geograph

© Copyright JohS and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

I am grateful to JonS for the use of this photograph.

The lock-up was later used to house the village fire engine and is now a war memorial.


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