Saturday 13 July 2013

SOMERSET. Lock-ups at Bathford, Kelston, Merriott and Nunney.

There are a great variety of building styles amongst the lock-ups in Somerset. When the Parish Vestry or other authority commissioned the building of a lock-up they sometimes stated that the building should be after the style of another lock-up in the vicinity.

The lock-up at Bathford in Somerset is far removed from the 'roundhouse' style with its pitched tiled roof and gable ends containing two cells. It is situated at Bathford Hill, BA1 7SW,
 and it dates to the late 18th or early 19th century.


OS Grid Reference: ST7888866936
OS Grid Coordinates: 378888, 166936
Latitude/Longitude: 51.4011, -2.3049

Photo by Colin Sinnott with expressed permission

It was Grade 11 listed 19.10.1983 (No.32176) and described as :

Lock-up, now a store. Late C18/early C19, coursed, squared rubble;
pantile roof with coped raised verges. Gable end to road; two plank 
studded doors with barred grille windows.Listing NGR: ST7888766937

 Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.

The lock-up at Kelston is of similar design to Bathford and also has two cells.

It would have been a damp, draughty place but the only means of real ventilation was

a small iron grille on the door.
It is situated in Bath Road, BA1 9AG, opposite Park Farm Cottage, and dates to the late 18th century.

OS Grid Reference: ST7005167156
OS Grid Coordinates: 370051, 167156
Latitude/Longitude: 51.4026, -2.4319
Photo's by Colin Sinnott
It was Grade 11 listed 14.8.1974 (N0.399561) and described as:
Lock-up. Probably late C18. Coursed squared rubble. Gable end
on to road. Plank door to left with iron grille, locks and hinges.
There are two vaulted compartments inside.
Listing NGR: ST7005167156

Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence. 


The lock-up or Blindhouse, at Merriott  is attached to the corner of Manor Farmhouse
at 84 Lower Street, TA16 5NP and dates to early 19th century and possibly
late 18th century. Inside the arched roof is stone lined
and there are stone  benches on each side of the single cell.
The well used term 'Blindhouse' presumably refers to the fact that there are no windows.



OS Grid Reference: ST4463412555
OS Grid Coordinates: 344634, 112555
Latitude/Longitude: 50.9098, -2.7888
Photo's by Alan Keene with expressed permission.
I am grateful to Allan Keene for sending me these photographs.

It was Grade 11 listed 4.2.1958 (No.262392), and described as :
Village lockup. Probably early C19. Ham stone near-ashlar, stone slab
pitched roof with plain gables. Studded boarded door in south west gable.
Interior not seen. Date of erection uncertain, but a letter of 1911 refers to
it not having been used for many years.

Listing NGR: ST4463412555
Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.

The following are a couple of comments on the local history web site :

In the early 1930,s my Parents lived in Cottage next to Lock UP They held the Key. Dad worked for MR LYE. They stored seed potatoes in there at one time. but A story he told me about an Old Tramp Him & his brother found (round stretch road) left me wondering. He was very poorly so they fetched water from Tail Mill Lane washed him, lay him in LOCK UP. Found him dead the next day. So there is some truth in someone dieing in there.

The Parish Council, I believe, hold the key to the Lock Up. It's at times been a useful store for the  Parish Lengthman's machinery. I'm sure we should be able to borrow the key. I'm wondering who built it in the 18th century? The Templeman's of Merriott House, on whose land it bordered? They were bigwigs at the time, both farmers and lawyers. It would be great to see the deeds of the building.  Anon. 28/02/11

The lock-up at Nunney is known as The Guard House, a title which is inscribed on the doorway lintel. It is again of similar design to the other three above albeit with a bit more quality and dressed stone. The building probably had a duel purpose being used by a 'Night Watchman' who was often paid to guard such a community during the hours of darkness. 
It is situated in Horn Street, BA11 4NP. It dates to c.1700. it was rebuilt in 1824 and restored in 1985. It is now a store room.

OS Grid Reference: ST7360945625
OS Grid Coordinates: 373609, 145625
Latitude/Longitude: 51.2092, -2.3792

Photo's by Colin Sinnott with expressed permission

It was Grade 11 listed 27.11.1984 and described as :

Lock-up, now store. Circa 1700, altered C20. Doulting rubble, dressed quoins, stone slate roof.
Rectangular. Single storey; broad opening to front, chamfered stone jambs, wooden lintel with further
stone lintel above, double plank doors. Included primarily for historic interest.
Listing NGR: ST7360945625

Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.



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