Monday 8 July 2013

WALES. Lock-ups at Llangollen, Narberth, Ruabon and Pwllheli.

The lock-up at Llangollen is situated in Victoria Square, Regent Street, LL20 8ET
and it dates to 1834. It was built as a lock-up and jailer's quarters on the ground floor with Magistrates' Room and Committee Room above.
In 1872 the building was purchased by Charles Richards who altered it with an extension to create a Drill Hall and Armoury.
It is a Grade 11 listed building.

Photo by Vivienne Young with expressed permission.

 I am grateful to Vivienne Young for allowing me to copy her Flickr photograph.

The lock-up at Narberth in Pembrokeshire is situated on the ground floor
at the rear of The Old Town Hall,
Market Square, SA67 7AU and it dates to the early 19th century.

OS Grid Coordinates: 210926, 214622
Latitude/Longitude: 51.7978, -4.7423

Photo by ceridwen .
© Copyright ceridwen and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.
I am grateful to ceridwen for the use of his Geograph photograph.
 In 1833 the building was noted as a lock-up house with a room over it used as a magistrates court and parish meeting hall. A clock tower was added in 1881 and the top floor was added in 1912.

The lock-up is known as 'Rebecca's Cell' recalling riots in the area between 1839 and 1844 which began as a protest against the increase in the number of toll gates on local roads and were said to have been instigated by a local men dressed as woman and inspired by the biblical story of Rebekah. It is said that the leaders of the riots were detained in this lock-up.
The building was Grade 11 listed 26.3.1979 (CADW ID 6481).
 The lock-up or Round House at Ruabon in Clwyd is 
 situated in Bridge Street next door to the
 Round House Inn and it dates to the late 18th century.
OS Grid Coordinates: 330253, 343766
Latitude/Longitude: 52.9864, -3.0391

Photo by Alexander P Kapp with expressed permission.

© Copyright Alexander P Kapp and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.
I am grateful to Alexander P Kapp for allowing me to copy his Geograph photograph.

 It was Grade 11 listed 7.6.1963 (No.1623), and described as:

 Later C18 circular structure, probably a parish lock-up. Square pecked sandstone blocks, Ashlar cornice and domed roof with central lipped opening in the dome. Small openings in sides have iron bars. Door to street C20 character. Listed for its special interest as a rare example of an C18 structure, probably a parish lock-up, which is in relatively unaltered condition.

Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence: PSI Click-use licence number C2008002006.

Contemporary writers tell us that the inside of the dome is brick,
and that it once contained two iron framed bedsteads.
The former lock-up at Pwllheli in Gwynedd is situated at 18 Gaol Street, LL53 5RG.
It was Grade 11 listed 6.1.1949 (No.4487).
It is now a retail shop.



OS Grid Coordinates: 237383, 335111
Latitude/Longitude: 52.8885, -4.4173

Photo by Alan Fryer.

© Copyright Alan Fryer and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

I am grateful to Alan Fryer for the use of his photograph.

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