Saturday 14 December 2013

HORTICULTURAL CURIOSITIES - fruit trees and hedges

The Bramley Apple Tree

An apple tree which was grown from a pip in about 1805, became famous as the Bramley apple tree.  Fifty years later Mr Bramley, of Easthorpe, Southwell in Nottinghamshire,  allowed grafts to be taken on the condition that they carried his name and so perpetuated the name Bramley.   The original tree still grows in the garden behind Bramley Tree House at Easthorpe and gives its name to the local pub.

Apricot Trees

Apricot trees are an unusual feature in the pretty village of Ayno in Northamptonshire, and, although relatively rare in this country they apparently thrive in this limestone village.  Fan trained apricot trees adorn the walls of most of the ancient cottages in this village where they flourish in the southerly aspect and the limestone soil.   The trees are harvested in September and in former times, the lords of
The manor once claimed the fruits as part of the cottage rents.

Fig Trees

A fig tree grows out of the wall at the old church at Manaccan in Cornwall. The wall has a two outer facings of stone with a space between filled with rubble, which has a enabled the tree to grow.  The origin of this 200 year old tree is not known.

Another fig tree in the cemetery  in the centre of Watford in Hertfordshire, has  split a gravestone in all directions.   The story goes that the incumbent, an atheist, asked for the fig tree to be placed in his coffin when he was buried there, saying that if there was a God, the fig tree would grow.

A yew hedge tunnel

A National Trust property is renowned for its unusual yew hedges.  These hedges, at each side of the front entrance to Blickling Hall near Aylsham in Norfolk, have been grown in such a way as to leave a tunnel inside.


The tallest yew hedge

The tallest yew hedge can be seen at Cirencester Park in Gloucestershire. It stretches for 150 yards around the town side of the park, being 40 feet high. It is believed to have been built planted in 1710.

Record beech hedge

The largest beech hedge in the World (since 1966) stands proudly at the roadside near Meikleour in Tayside.  It was planted in 1745 by Robert Murray Nairne to denote a boundary.  Nairne was soon killed at Colloden.  The hedge now stands 100 feet high (120ft – 80ft) and is some 580 yards in length.


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