Tuesday 4 March 2014

OTLEY - The Tour de France

The Grand Depart of the Tour de France passed through Otley on Saturday 5th July 2014 to a tumultuous welcome from the huge crowds which had gathered for this momentous occasion.


The shop windows were suitably decorated, the bunting was up
and the spectators were seeking the best vantage points.



Even Thomas Chippendale got in on the act !

A few visiting cyclists were able to try the route before the big parade.


and last minute designs were chalked on the roadway.

Both the Gendarmerie and British Police made sure the route was clear.

First came the 'Caravan' a procession of 180 elaborate floats and vehicles distributing publicity material amongst the crowds.


and then, after eager anticipation the peloton arrived.



and went with an escorting circle of helicopters overhead.

Ee by gum indeed

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