Friday 25 April 2014


Goathland is a small village in the North York Moors nine miles
south of Whitby.
Between 1992 and 2010 the village was the Aidensfield of the T.V series Heartbeat, about the local police in the 1960's.

The village has a station on the North York Moors Railway between Pickering and Whitby and was often featured in Heartbeat.

The village green, the post office, Scripps garage and the Aidensfield Arms will all be familiar to Heartbeat fans.


The bus stop has a gate to prevent its use by the sheep grazing freely throughout the village.


In Ad 71 the Roman army had established a fort at Malton from which a number of roads radiated. The remains of a road close to Goathland known locally as Wades Causeway may have been one of these roads leading north-eastwards
to the North Sea coast. Wade was a local giant of many legends and is said to have created The Hole of Horcum.

This amazing landscape has many twists and turns as well as ups and downs.
and one of its most spectacular features is The Hole of Horcum a huge natural amphitheatre south of Goathland. It is 400 feet deep and over half a mile in length and is known locally as The Devil's Punchbowl. Local legend says that local Giant Wade scooped up a handful of earth to throw at his wife during an arguments and it landed as Rosebury Topping at the other end of the Moors. It was actually formed by glacial action and a process called spring-sapping.

In 1962 a ballistic missile early warning station was established at RAF Fylingdales close to Goathland. Three radomes, 40 metres in diameter, were erected to house the radar units and soon became a tourist attraction 
known as 'The Golfballs'.
They were replaced in 1992 by a single pyramidal structure.

The North York Moors National Park of 554 square miles was established in 1992, God's own country indeed.


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