Saturday 16 August 2014





The little town and Royal Borough of Windsor in Berkshire has been dominated by its castle since it was built by William the Conqueror in 1070 to guard the western approaches to London. Much altered over the years it is the oldest inhabited royal residence in Britain. The town owes its existence and much of its livelihood to this huge royal castle on a chalk bluff above the River Thames.
The House of Windsor became the name of the British Royal family in 1917 when, amidst tensions with Germany, King George V changed the name by Royal Declaration, from the historic name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.






St Georges' Chapel is one of the castles great treasures. Built between 1475 and 1528 in late Gothic style, ten former monarchs. including Henry V111 and Charles 1, are buried in the chapel.
Long Walk is a 3 miles tree lined avenue


The charming old town lies directly beneath the castle walls.



The old railway station is now a large shopping and exhibition area.

A bridge across the River Thames leads to Eton and the playing fields and school can be seen from the castle ramparts


The village of PANGBOURNE lies on a pleasant reach of the River Thames west of Windsor. This little 18th century building in the garden of Church Cottage was once the village lock-up.
Author Kenneth Grahame lived in the cottage early in the 20th century and it was here that he was inspired to write his Wind in the Willows.
The popular River Thames town of MARLOW is in Buckinghamshire.
 A fine ornate suspension bridge carries traffic over the river   This bridge,  built in 1831 and restored in 1966, is a smaller replica of the one over the River Danube linking Buda and Pest in Hungary.






The church of St Lawrence is situated on a hill 600ft above the village of 
WEST WYCOMBE in Buckinghamshire.   On top of the church tower is a curious golden ball, made of wood and covered with a gilded fabric and large enough to seat at least ten people inside.   Former 18th century Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Francis Dashwood who resided in the village, was responsible for this strange addition to the church.  It was he who formed the infamous ‘ Hell Fire Club’ and they held card playing parties inside the ball.  



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