Friday 5 September 2014


To the south of Surrey, WEST SUSSEX sweeps from the South Downs
to the English Channel.
The former Roman  town  of CHICHESTER is quartered by four main streets centred on the
Market Cross which dates to 1501.
The spire of the 900 years old Cathedral is a local landmark.

There is a curious detached Cathedral bell tower,
the only surviving such in England.


The popularity of BRIGHTON grew in the late 18th century when the
Prince Regent gave it his seal of approval and the resort soon became known as 'London by the Sea'. 
  The Royal Pavilion was the fantasy palace of the Prince Regent, later  King George 1V, who had a simple farmhouse enlarged in the late 18th century, beginning 35 years of transformation which resulted in this extraordinary building with all its domes, spires and minarets reminiscent of an Indian Palace with a Chinoiserie interior where no two rooms are the same. The Pavilion is now owned by Brighton Council and is open to the public.

This must be the most amazing stately building in  the country.


The Victorian pier is one of the best of its kind.

The trainspotter’s dream


A fine castellated building at CLAYTON north of Brighton is not all that it seems to be.   This unusual Gothic style home, a Grade 11 listed building, with its castellated façade, was built in 1836 by the London and Brighton Railway Company, over the entrance to Clayton Tunnel, to house a railway policeman come signalman.   This detached Victorian residence comes complete with three bedrooms, a bathroom in one turret and a kitchen in the other; and a garden with ghostly stories of railway victims roaming therein.   
Who lives in a house like this?



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