Wednesday 26 June 2013

ESSEX. Lock-ups at Great Bardfield, Great Dunmow, Orsett and Rayne.

Eleven existing lock-ups have been located in Essex, five of which are timber buildings.
I am extremely grateful to Mike Bardell from Braintree & Bocking Civic Society for his constant supply of photographs and information.

The lock-up at Great Bardfield, known as The Cage, is situated in Bridge Street, CM7 4ST
and it dates to 1818.

OS Grid Reference: TL6758830674
OS Grid Coordinates: 567588, 230674
Latitude/Longitude: 51.9493, 0.4371

Photo  by Mike Bardell with expressed permission.
As ever, I am grateful to Mike Bardell for sending me this photograph.
It was Grade 11 listed 17.5.1985 (No.115279) and described as :

Lock-up. Early C19. Red brick in Flemish bond, with some blue headers, and
flint rubble. Gables weatherboarded. Roofed with handmade red clay tiles.
Rectangular plan. 2 cells. E elevation, one window with external wooden
shutter, heavy oak door with iron studs picking out the date 1816, a small
barred window, and long hasped hinges. Inside this is a second door pierced
with 10 holes, not coinciding with the window of the outer door, and bolts. On
the S side there is a simple wooden door to the other cell. Roof rebuilt.
Built 1816 in the context of the Six Acts, reported to have been last used in
Listing NGR: TL6758830674
Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence: PSI Click-use licence number C2008002006.
The lock-up at Great Dunmow is situated in North Street. It was last used by a local cobbler and the building was left to the Town Council who had plans to turn it into a museum?.
It is believed to be Grade 11 listed but I haven't been able to find the listing.

Photo's by Ann Williams with expressed permission.
I am ever grateful to Ann Williams  (                   
for sending me these photographs.


The lock-up at Orsett is situated alongside the old village pound in Pound Lane, RM16 3ER
and it dates to the 17th or early 18th century.
It is a timber building with a tiled roof.


OS Grid Reference: TQ6427781925
OS Grid Coordinates: 564277, 181925
Latitude/Longitude: 51.5124, 0.3660

Photo courtesy of Thurrock Council..
I am grateful to Linda Hicks of Thurrock Council Development Management Team for sending me this photograph.
It was Grade 11 listed 8.2.1960 (No.119712) and described as :
C17 or early C18, black weatherboarded timber-framed building. Single storey.
Small barred windows, plank door with heavy hinges and hipped plain tile
roof. Village pound adjoins, small enclosure of split oak rails and posts.
Listing NGR: TQ6427781925
Source: English Heritage
 Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence: PSI Click-use licence number C2008002006.
The lock-up or cage at Rayne is situated in Shalford Road, CM7 5BT
and it dates to c1819.


OS Grid Reference: TL7309622841
OS Grid Coordinates: 573096, 222841
Latitude/Longitude: 51.8773, 0.5133

Photo by Nick Knowles with expressed permission.
I am grateful to Nick Knowles for allowing me to copy his Flickr photograph.
It was Grade 11 listed 9.1.1975 (No.115166) and described as :

Village lock-up. Circa 1819. Small red brick building. Gabled red tiled roof.
Vertically boarded oak door with 3 vertical rows of circular ventilator holes,
metal grill behind. One of very few remaining lock-ups in Essex.
Listing NGR: TL7310322846

Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.

These two photo's by Mike Bardell with expressed permission.
I am ever grateful to Mike Bardell for sending me these two photographs.


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