Wednesday 26 June 2013

ESSEX. Lock-ups at Roydon, St Osyth, Steeple Bumpstead, Thaxted and Tollesbury.

The curious little timber lock-up at Roydon is situated in High Street, CM19 5EE
and it dates to c1800.


OS Grid Reference: TL4082810217
OS Grid Coordinates: 540828, 210217
Latitude/Longitude: 51.7729, 0.0397

Photo's by Paul Marston with expressed permission.

Once again I am grateful to Paul Marston for allowing me to copy his Waymarking photographs.
It was Grade 11 listed 20.2.1967 (No.118811) and described as :
Lockup. Circa 1800. Timber framed and clad with heavy square edged boards,
butt jointed. Flat roof. Renewed double doors on strap hinges. Air vents
above door.
Listing NGR: TL4082810217
Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.

The nearby stocks are replicas.
Apparently the originals were stolen in 1947.


The lock-up or cage at St Osyth is situated at 14 Colchester Road, CO16 8EJ
and is now a PRIVATE HOUSE. It was last used in 1908.
It is said that two local women who were hanged as witch's, were detained there in 1582
and the house has now gained a certain noteriety.

See : 


The lock-up at Steeple Bumpstead is situated in Church Street, CB9 7DG near to the village church. It dates to the late 18th or early 19th century and was restored in 1977.

OS Grid Reference: TL6790841088
OS Grid Coordinates: 567908, 241088
Latitude/Longitude: 52.0428, 0.4469

Photo by Mike Bardell with expressed permission.
I am ever grateful to Mike Bardell for sending me this photograph.
It was Grade 11 listed 16.5.1984 (No. 114203) and described as :
Lock-up, late C18/early C19, restored 1977. Red brick in English bond, slate
roof. Rectangular plan abutting on churchyard wall to S, with door to E. The
strap-hinges are extended to form hasps on the N jamb. In the gable over the
door is an iron grill.
Listing NGR: TL6790841088
Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence: PSI Click-use licence number C2008002006

See also :


The lock-up or cage at Thaxted is situated on the ground floor of The Guildhall in Town Street.
The date is not known but it probably results from 18th century restoration.


OS Grid Reference: TL6113930953
OS Grid Coordinates: 561139, 230953
Latitude/Longitude: 51.9537, 0.3435

Photo by Roy Pledger.

The Guildhall was Grade 1 listed 20.2.1967 (No.122435) and was described as :

Built between 1390 and 1410 for the Guild of Cutlers. Altered and restored in
early C18, circa 1910 and 1978. Timber framed and plastered with frame exposed
externally. Red plain tile, double range hipped roof. 3 storeys and cellars.
Ground floor forms open flagged market house with open timber ceiling, and heavy
cross beams, supported on great centre post. Cellar is original. 2 upper storeys
are jettied on 3 elevations with moulded bressumers, and curved brackets. First
floor has arcading of 2 centred arches. Roof is simple two armed crown posts
originally gabled to Town Street. North corner incorporates parish cage. (RCHM 9).
Listing NGR: TL6117130989

Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence: PSI Click-use licence number C2008002006.
The lock-up, known at Tollesbury, known as The Cage, is situated in Church Street, CM9 8QJ.
It dates to the c1700, having been altered in the 20th century.


OS Grid Reference: TL9561910399
OS Grid Coordinates: 595619, 210399
Latitude/Longitude: 51.7581, 0.8330

Photo by Barry Samuels with expressed permission

This photograph is the copyright © of Barry Samuels (The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain) .
I am grateful to Barry Samuels for allowing me to copy his photograph.
It was Grade 11 listed 30.12.1959 (No.353126) and described as :
Lock-up. C18, altered in C20. Timber framed with C20 waney weatherboarding,
roofed with handmade red clay plain tiles and C20 hip tiles. Square, with plain
boarded door to W, with 2 long hasped iron hinges and double iron grill. Metal
plate inscribed 'Village lock-up or cage, A.D. 1700'. Pyramidal roof with acorn
finial. RCHM 4.
Listing NGR: TL9561910399
Source: English Heritage
Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence: PSI Click-use licence number C2008002006.

There is information about demolished lock-ups in Essex :

There was a lock-up in Crown Hill at Ashdon near to the present telephone box.
There was a lock-up at Hadstock until the mid 19th century. The door remains are in Saffron Walden Museum.
There was a lock-up at Mount Bures although information is sparse.

The lock-up at Prittlewell was in the grounds of Mill Hill Cottages at junction of East Street and Sutton Road which were formerly workshouse premises. Site demolished for redevelopment.

The lock-up at White Notley collapsed in 1976 and there was talk of rebuilding it.  


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