The Huntrodds’ Memorial
On the south east side of the parish church at Whitby in North Yorkshire, close to the entrance to the Cholmley
Pew, is the Huntrodd’s Memorial 1600 – 1680.
The inscription tells us :
‘ Here lie the bodies of Francis Huntrodds
and Mary his wife
who were born on the same day of the week,
month and year (viz) Septr ye 19th 1600,
marry’d on the day of their birth and after
having had 12 children born to them
died aged 80 years on the same day of the
year they were born, Septr ye 19th 1680
the one not above five hours before ye
‘Husband and wife that did twelve children
the same day; alike both aged were.
Bout 80 years they liv’d, five hours did
(Ev’n on the marriage day) each tender
heart, so fit a match,
surely could never be, both, in their lives,
and in their deaths agree.’
Fact is indeed
stranger than fiction.
The Lover’s
memorial stone which was erected in the churchyard at Bowes, Durham in 1848
The Lover’s Tragedy
Roger Wrightson jun. &
Martha Railton,
both of Bowes, buried in
one grave.
He died of a fever &
upon Tolling his passing bell she cried out,
‘My heart is broke’ and in
a few hours Expired thro love.
March 15 1714-15.
Such is the brief and
touching record contained in the parish register of burials.
Tradition is that the
grave was at the west end of the church directly beneath the bells.
The sad history of these
true and faithful lovers forms the subject of Mallets pathetic Ballad of Edwin
and Emma.
The stone, which can be seen close to the west end
of the church has weathered badly and the writing is almost worn away. A plaque with the wording was attached to
the bottom of the stone in 2005 by the Parish Council.
A whisky bottle found under the floorboards of a house in
Dornoch, Scotland, contained a piece of paper on which was written :
‘ In memory of A Gray and Hugh McKenzie
whitch Drunk this Bottle of Whisky.
Both the bottle and the epitaph are preserved in
Historylinks Museum in Dornoch.
Cot gravestone
Baby Katherine Booker died at Pitmain Inn in 1815 and was buried in the parish churchyard at Kingussie. Her stone gravestone, which surrounded the grave, was built to represent a baby’s cot. Unfortunately it is now is poor repair and the former metal railings have been removed.
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